On wednesday morning after yet another lecture on the in's and out's of running your own business such as tax,overheads, stationary and travel we were uplifted. Out of those grey uncomfortable prisons they call seats in the lecture theatre and to a bright colourful world thanks to the speaking of our saviour Mike Press. once again he brought me back from the lad of nod and showed how art can help bring dignity back to a person as well as teaching a nation how to imagine, visually create, and move forward. Mike spoke about Rwanda and african country that after a great tragedy has moved forward at a great pace to benefit there people, one of these benefits which has only been recognised recently is the value or art. Once thought not to be an integral part of life as is literacy and numeracy. However views have changed art can bring communities together, help them over come the terrible things they have seen, as well as allowing the nation as a whole to visualise new ways to move forward and create new product/ service that lye in the dreams of many but are only created by the few.
I say good luck to rwanda and if ever an opportunities arises to go there I will gab it with both hand and embrace there new age.
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