Friday 5 February 2010

Vickys picks

From the Picts that I have received from vicky I have made a quick summary
vicky looks like she has a happy family life, closer to your dad rather your mum ?
Is a bit of a party animal,like to be sociable, talk n have a laugh. values the friendship she has with people. forms strong bonds with them. People value her friendship no that they will no be lit down. seems to have a bubbly personality.
has a close relationship with her... sister? as they alway seem to be in the same photos, has the bond got weaker or stronger id say stronger maybe wrong?
Moved here from abroad Australia/America some time after primary 3/4 id say before secondry.
were born here tho? maybe not.
Likes to dress up and go for bit of sun, maybe for that golden tan ;)

Overall i think vicky is a person with a strong sense of self and is confident when going into new situations and has an infection personality making anyone she meets feel at ease. i thinks that vicky is the type of person that thing happen around that are memerable for all the right reasons.

tell me if im right vicky ha ha much luv x

1 comment:

  1. Aye, supposedly i'm a "daddy's girl" but that's probably because my mum knows how to wind me up. And i have the "middle child syndrome" so i think he takes pitty on me. ha.
    Yeah, i think my relationship has become a lot stronger with my sister, i would say that's probably because it's part of growing up but then it could have easily went the other way. Sometimes i think it has haha.
    Lived in Australia from 1994 to 1996 so i was in primary 2 to 4.
    And aye, i was definitely meant to be born in a hot country.
