I have done these two mind maps over the weekend and have found to my surprise that my brain,yes my brain has retained alot of information about the book i have recently read,the tipping point.
I find this amazing. I have one of those brains that tends to wonder off on a tangent and forget about the job in hand,the impulse to doodle or get a drink most of the time is to strong however these impulses were held at bay as i become engrossed with this book, By my own admission i should read more books to work my imagination and to extent my vocabulary but the look of al that text on one page put me off not the fact i cant read just the fact that i would rather be playing football, jogging in a stage way i never like to be still I always want to be on the move doing something,maybe i have to much energy and this is a way of using it up or maybe Im afraid that if i read more i might be considered a 'geek' by my circle of friends. However being different appeals to me so maybe i will give it a go, it cant hurt my brain that much but at the same time if a game of hockey,football or some other physical activity came up i cant say hand on my heart id turn it down i just love sport more
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