Monday, 30 November 2009
Dragons Den
have just finished my dragons den presentation and feel quiet please and some what happy about how it went. I was criticised fro the branding not telling the public what it was straight away and no I look at it I can see what he is talking about. thought i would have been more nervous talking in front of my peers and the two people from industry however I believe I held it together and came across quiet professional for a second year graphic designers.there was some out standing products one of which was Sophie's the brand was finely tuned to get across its message. I just want to say well done to everyone who said there piece and lets get on with the blitzing of the studio .
Monday, 23 November 2009
I have became slightly bored now of blogging i unstand why im doing it but at time feeel i would be better speaking face to face however sometimes this is not possible.even tho i hav became a some want estranged blogger i love to read others thoughts on aspects of art an opinion on the world however feel that i should be come more involed by commenting and starting a debate on view i disagree with and strenghten aguement i agree with .
new moon
Went to see the duely awaited new moon from the twlight saga. to be honest i was slightly disappointed but the hook at the end has kept my attention and am looking forward to reading the 3rd book. i like the fact that these vampires are jst like humans able to walk in the sun ect. the visual effects of the transformation on the wolf if fantastic and i would tell people to got and see it for this footage alone.
Monday, 16 November 2009
For the seminar (A3)
Here are ten website i think most people should look at at least once a month just to keep them in the loop.
Top 5 website for graphic design.
Top 5 website for keeping in touch with the REAL world.
These are some of the journal i have came acoss on the libriays crosssearch wich i think relate to my area.
1. Lee J-G, (2008), The impact of celebrity-product incongruence the efftiveness on product endorcement,
Journal of advertising reasearch-New York- Vol48;numb 5 433-449
This journal talks about the effectiveness of celebrity endorcments
2. Marshall, R, (2008), endorcment Theory; How consumers relate to celebrity models,
Journal of advertising reasearch, NewYork -Vol4 564-572
This journal shows the relationship between the models that endorce many designer products and the consumer who buy them wanting to be similar in looks or a piece of there glamour lifestyle.
3. Pringle, Harnish, Star Gazing, Creative review,vol24, pt8, pp58-60 Aug 2004
Talks about hoe celebritys are used in advertising and show that campiagn that dont have a celeb do jst as well as ones that do.also talks about the four f's, fit, fame, factets and finance.
4. Tripp,Carol,western il u, 1994, The effects of multiple product endorcements by celebrities on consumers intentions.
This journal is about how the consumer sees the celbrity that is endorceing a certain product were they are friendly, likeable ect.
5. Amos C, 2008, Exploring the relationship between celebrity endorcers and advertising campaigns-A quantitive synthesis of effect size. international journal of advertising 27 (2);209-234
Shows the effectiveness of the celbrity indorcer and why there areeffective in there target market due to the assests.
I have found cross search to be a joy and a night mare to use both at the same time the latter of the two being the more correct. I find it hard to focus on a perticu;lar area at the best of times and computer arent a strength either so a mixture of the two brought me to my knee praying for help, however i have pulled myself together and have came across some very intrestin journels and think that if in the future i need to use cross search again i ill be prepaired for it ;)
Top 5 website for graphic design.
Top 5 website for keeping in touch with the REAL world.
These are some of the journal i have came acoss on the libriays crosssearch wich i think relate to my area.
1. Lee J-G, (2008), The impact of celebrity-product incongruence the efftiveness on product endorcement,
Journal of advertising reasearch-New York- Vol48;numb 5 433-449
This journal talks about the effectiveness of celebrity endorcments
2. Marshall, R, (2008), endorcment Theory; How consumers relate to celebrity models,
Journal of advertising reasearch, NewYork -Vol4 564-572
This journal shows the relationship between the models that endorce many designer products and the consumer who buy them wanting to be similar in looks or a piece of there glamour lifestyle.
3. Pringle, Harnish, Star Gazing, Creative review,vol24, pt8, pp58-60 Aug 2004
Talks about hoe celebritys are used in advertising and show that campiagn that dont have a celeb do jst as well as ones that do.also talks about the four f's, fit, fame, factets and finance.
4. Tripp,Carol,western il u, 1994, The effects of multiple product endorcements by celebrities on consumers intentions.
This journal is about how the consumer sees the celbrity that is endorceing a certain product were they are friendly, likeable ect.
5. Amos C, 2008, Exploring the relationship between celebrity endorcers and advertising campaigns-A quantitive synthesis of effect size. international journal of advertising 27 (2);209-234
Shows the effectiveness of the celbrity indorcer and why there areeffective in there target market due to the assests.
I have found cross search to be a joy and a night mare to use both at the same time the latter of the two being the more correct. I find it hard to focus on a perticu;lar area at the best of times and computer arent a strength either so a mixture of the two brought me to my knee praying for help, however i have pulled myself together and have came across some very intrestin journels and think that if in the future i need to use cross search again i ill be prepaired for it ;)
Friday, 13 November 2009
Surfing the net.

As I was surfing the net last night I came across the most amazing thing its by a group called eichborn and its 'fly advertising' they have actually attached little bit of paper advertising real product lol. i think this is a great idea it allow a vast number of different people to see this advert and it quirky way of showing it however i don't no if ethically its a good idea as it may cause damage to the animal no matter if there not that well liked.
what do you guys think ?
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
As i lay in bed ,counting sheep i thought id entertain (the sheep that is) by switching on the tv. i came across a program about the struggle and hardship parent of disabled children. in many cases the child un-willingly pushes the parent to mental breaking point some times in extreme case resulting in the parent taking there own or the child's life. The program goes on to show how many parents are offered no care at all or help in any shape or form. It also showed that every one no matter there wealth, gender or colour is affected by this and it got me thinking is there anything we as graphic designers can do.
the answer is yes we can help, in the case of service design, making it easier for these parents to gain access to the information that could take a weight off their shoulder and allow them to focus on themselves or there other children.
What do u think please leave comments.
the answer is yes we can help, in the case of service design, making it easier for these parents to gain access to the information that could take a weight off their shoulder and allow them to focus on themselves or there other children.
What do u think please leave comments.
Thursday, 5 November 2009
coca cola

As i drank from my coke today i realised that it had a santa on it. i was in disbelief that at the start of november coke has already mounted its advertising campien shock horror, no wonder it seems that christmas comes round earlier every year lol. As usual large corparate companys are trying to drain the money of us the consumers, and it works so i say fair play to them because we as a country are willing to accept this and spend our hard earnd cash.
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
New thinks to think about.
In my seminar today I was given a lesson in graphic design. You need to gain and hold the information that deals with your particular problem/product as in the design world many people want to shoot you down and make a fool of your theory, however if armed with the right tools and information you can restate your point and put the question back to the person who asked it in the first place. Also due to this new information and insight into your aspect of design, your client will feel better with you and your suggestion because of this extensive knowledge in the given area.
So from now on I am going to do my best to research my given are before letting my mouth wonder.
Monday, 2 November 2009
my forgotten poster
Over the past couple of days the rain has been torrential to say the least. Many of us have fallen victim to its cold wetness. This got me wondering about our relationship with water, I can remember not so long ago I could spend hour jumping around in every puddle I could see.
Looking down as the water comes up, the reflection being disrupted for a brief minute then it all going back to normal. When did i lose the small puddle jumper inside me? Some times if Im honest I still do it but not as often as I once did.
Is it our parent that drill this out of us or do we just not see what we once did.
The next time you see a puddle live a little have a jump!
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