hey there hav jst finish my lunch after an eye opening lecture,no longer are lectures something i dread going to and find new way to fall asleep in.today was about sign and symbols and how we as people view them. for example wat does the colour red mean to to ?
actually it mean nuthin as it has no context however throw in a stop sign then it all becomes clear lol, so the new time u see a word jst think it means nuthing as we eventually found out today. lets hope next week there is something else to be explained but the eating of sweets. also i at the start of the lesson there was a comment made about how it was designers fault for the spread of infection in hospitals, although i agree tht signs could be made better to make ppl aware it also doesnt hurt if the nhs uses something stronger thn house hold detergent to clean patient areas :) .
till nxt time
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