Monday, 16 November 2009

For the seminar (A3)

Here are ten website i think most people should look at at least once a month just to keep them in the loop.

Top 5 website for graphic design.

Top 5 website for keeping in touch with the REAL world.

These are some of the journal i have came acoss on the libriays crosssearch wich i think relate to my area.

1. Lee J-G, (2008), The impact of celebrity-product incongruence the efftiveness on product endorcement,
Journal of advertising reasearch-New York- Vol48;numb 5 433-449

This journal talks about the effectiveness of celebrity endorcments

2. Marshall, R, (2008), endorcment Theory; How consumers relate to celebrity models,
Journal of advertising reasearch, NewYork -Vol4 564-572

This journal shows the relationship between the models that endorce many designer products and the consumer who buy them wanting to be similar in looks or a piece of there glamour lifestyle.

3. Pringle, Harnish, Star Gazing, Creative review,vol24, pt8, pp58-60 Aug 2004

Talks about hoe celebritys are used in advertising and show that campiagn that dont have a celeb do jst as well as ones that do.also talks about the four f's, fit, fame, factets and finance.

4. Tripp,Carol,western il u, 1994, The effects of multiple product endorcements by celebrities on consumers intentions.

This journal is about how the consumer sees the celbrity that is endorceing a certain product were they are friendly, likeable ect.

5. Amos C, 2008, Exploring the relationship between celebrity endorcers and advertising campaigns-A quantitive synthesis of effect size. international journal of advertising 27 (2);209-234

Shows the effectiveness of the celbrity indorcer and why there areeffective in there target market due to the assests.

I have found cross search to be a joy and a night mare to use both at the same time the latter of the two being the more correct. I find it hard to focus on a perticu;lar area at the best of times and computer arent a strength either so a mixture of the two brought me to my knee praying for help, however i have pulled myself together and have came across some very intrestin journels and think that if in the future i need to use cross search again i ill be prepaired for it ;)

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