Saturday, 20 February 2010

thoughts on bart

when my group got together we discussed what we thought the eassy was about, after every one saying how hard the read was we came to the comclusion that although in some cases images are enough in many cases word make the message clearer.

however people do say a picture paints a thousand words so why do we need words?????

My thoughts

I have been looking over my storys that have been thought of by the people below and think that the storys in someway reflect the writer and the type of person he or she is.

Can u guess wat these people are like, have a go for me plz :)
ps does anyone think the same ??

Random pictures and the storys they tell.

Melody-lee age:44 occ:mental health nurse

to help me relax i often listen to music from my cd collection,i find this transparts me to a place of tranquility, somewhere in a medow with trees gently swaying and the sun setting beyond them. it alsoo helps me to look at things in greater detail as though using a magnifing glass, this can be bothe good and bad !!!

Stephen age:19 occ:art student

This is a police investigation into the illagel music downloading industry. thier about to make an early morning raid on the people suspected of running one of these websites.

Kate age:65 occ: cleaner

I went to the woods one night it was dark except for the moonlight, i put some different cd's in my portable hi fi and quietly took out my magnifiing glass and by the light of my torch, i looked at my autograph book.

Sam age:20 occ:sales assistant

Sherlock Holmes was out in the woods hunting for clues when he came up with the idea of a compact disk.

Brogan age:21 occ: student

they decided to have an adventure it had been a while since they had some fun together. it started in the woods , a large mass of greenery and fresh,cold air.there wasnt a single item they were looking for, but perhaps a keepsake, a memory. As always , he carried a magnifing glass, he was a nosey one! In the distance they spotted something glisting in the sun. At first, they approached with cation until they realised it was a bunch of old cd's sitting outside an abandoned shack.

Sunday, 14 February 2010

my push through week

last week was a very productive week for me i am nearly done with my story project and am looking forward to the finished piece and the reaction it will get from other people ? as for my broadsheet there were only a few adjustments wich i knew were to be down but over all very happy with my first attempt and we have been given the next breif to construct an exhibition fro 3d text, the ideas have been flying roung like mad wich one to use, are the practical for the time we shall wait on the 26th of feb and come to a conclusion then.

my final project wich i am sinking my teeth into is an app for the iphone i find it amazing that there are so many new and existing apps out there, just crazy so bring on next weeks challanges and lets hope everyone feels the same.


Part 1 assignment the culture of design. as i have spoken to many of my class mates and discussed the book inperticular chapter 4 i still am at a loss at the actual content. i have read and re-read the chaper and find myself trying to translate into my plebien mind set. from what i can come to grips with i agree with most points raised however find myself cotrdicting that later on, i shall try to come to term the way this is writin but my brain wasnt built for this. what i have taken from my intense read is that consumption is all around and we no longer see it similar to being alone in a crownd, everything we do is drove by consuption from the juice we drink to the trainer we wear. i wonder when did our culture change to its mass consumpion ways and what was the trigger, what spraked this invisible wildfire that controls what we buy,what we wear and how we wear it ?

I wonder if there is a way to get around this in an easier way rather than boggeling mymind once more by re-reading? any suggestions ?

Friday, 5 February 2010

Vickys picks

From the Picts that I have received from vicky I have made a quick summary
vicky looks like she has a happy family life, closer to your dad rather your mum ?
Is a bit of a party animal,like to be sociable, talk n have a laugh. values the friendship she has with people. forms strong bonds with them. People value her friendship no that they will no be lit down. seems to have a bubbly personality.
has a close relationship with her... sister? as they alway seem to be in the same photos, has the bond got weaker or stronger id say stronger maybe wrong?
Moved here from abroad Australia/America some time after primary 3/4 id say before secondry.
were born here tho? maybe not.
Likes to dress up and go for bit of sun, maybe for that golden tan ;)

Overall i think vicky is a person with a strong sense of self and is confident when going into new situations and has an infection personality making anyone she meets feel at ease. i thinks that vicky is the type of person that thing happen around that are memerable for all the right reasons.

tell me if im right vicky ha ha much luv x

Service Design

I have just came from my friday morning lecture with a new insight into what service design is and what relevance it has throughout all disciplines. i was on tenter hooks wonder if there is anything that you couldn't use service design in. on a whole i now relisease that there are problems that need to be solved and service design is my generations way to create and move forward in this new technical age. does any one feel the same or have another view ?
does anyone know a service designer ?

Tuesday, 2 February 2010


today i have handed photos of myself throughout my 20 year to vicky from textiles and cant wait to see wat she comes back with i am looking forward to getting here photos aswell to do my own analysis and see what i can read from the pictures i get .

A lecture i saw last night

As i lay on my bed i was flicking through the channels and came across a lecture on channel one. the lecture was by Terry Prachett and was on assisted death, the lecture gave both views on the ethical stand points of doctors and the everyday Joe Bloggs however toward the end favouring one side .
This got me to think what would i want in that situation for myself or a close family member , i myself am athletic and play hockey at the highest level and have been honour to receive caps for my country but if i became paralysed or unable to move from the neck down, ware would my quality of life be?
I life for sport and competition ware would i be and how would i cope. many people say there would be doctors who take advantage of this and that trust between doctor and patient would be at risk , i ask you this putting your live in the hands of your doctor is that not the most trusting gesture u can do and as for doctors taking advantage, there job is to preserve life and will do so till they think it is wrong to do otherwise. i think that too many people hold on to bleeps on machine showing that relatives, friends are still living, i ask u to what extent do they life would it no be better to remember them for the person they once were rather than the person they have become due to illness etc.
I hope if i ever have the miss fortune to suffer from a deteriorating disease or a large accident which paralayzed me totally that i have the option to have assisted death what could be more dignified than being at home with those who you love, being able to say goodbye, knowing they are no longer suffering and allowing you to remember them for the person they once were .

broad sheet

have just created my first mock up broad sheet and so far i think i have done quiet well on this project and at answering the brief. the subject is the soft fruit blackcurrant and the properties of said fruit, and i have came it from the angle of gambling with your health and have made the main focus a puggy machine so fingers cross the lectures like it .